Division of Applied Mathematics,
Faculty of Physics, MSU
Division structure
Research work
PhD study
Work with students
Competition From Moskva-river to Volga
Conference "From atom to galaxy - 2016"
Conference "From Atom To Galaxy - 2017"
Conference "From Atom To Galaxy - 2018"
Conference "From Atom to Galaxy - 2019"
Conference "From Atom to Galaxy - 2020"
Conference "From Atom to Galaxy - 2021"
Conference "From Atom to Galaxy - 2022"
Conference "From Atom to Galaxy - 2023"
Conference "From Atom to Galaxy - 2024"
OpenLab in the city of Tver
"Applied math and mathematical simulation" section of "Lomonosovskie Chteniya" conference
13.12.2023 report adv
Advanced algebra for physicists: theory and practice, new special course
By order of the President of the RF, A. N. Bogolyubov, Gratitude was announced
Candidates' exams
Common credit for the course "Methods of Mathematical Physics"
Computer simulations of physical problems promo
Conference "From atom to galaxy - 2022"
Defence schedules
Elements of Measure theory and Lebesgue integration
From atom to galaxy 2019 completed
From Atom to Galaxy 2020 online
From Moskva-river to Volga
M. I. Svetkin won the computer science teacher challenge
Masters' exams
Methods of mathematical physics consults
Methods of mathmetical physics reexamination
Methods_of_mathematical_physics comission
Methods_of_mathematical_physics re-examination and comission
NAUKA 0+ section
New page
Nizhniy Novgorod newspaper
olympiads 2022 fall
On March 28-29, an international conference
Principles of Mathematical Modeling meeting
Principles of Mathematical Modeling reexamination
Program of the conference Lomonosov Readings 2021 of subsection 8
Program of the subsection "Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling" of the conference "Lomonosov Readings - 2022"
Registration for school conference "From atom to galaxy - 2021" is opened
Registration for school conference "From atom to galaxy" is opened
Schedule of "Lomonosovskie chteniya" conference
School 69
Sozvezdie Nauk
State exams
Students' olympiad for I and II courses in analytical geometry and the theory of functions of a complex variable
Students' olympiad for I and II courses in mathematical analysis
Common credit for the course "Methods of Mathematical Physics"
Date of the publication
12/27/2021 21:00